Medico-social and psychological model of rehabilitation of children with neurotic disorders who are in foster families under conditions of social stress
State Institute of Family and Youth Policy of Ukraine, Ukraine
Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Ukraine
Data nadesłania: 27-10-2022
Data ostatniej rewizji: 16-06-2023
Data akceptacji: 16-06-2023
Data publikacji online: 02-08-2023
Data publikacji: 02-08-2023
Autor do korespondencji
Sergii Boltivets   

State Institute of Family and Youth Policy of Ukraine, Ukraine
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2023;60(1):59-72
The article discloses the main original results of the study of children suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in foster families in the territories of Ukraine liberated from the Russian occupiers. The substantiation of the medico-social and psychological model of rehabilitation of children with neurotic disorders who are in foster families under conditions of social stress caused by the war in Russia is given. For the first time, on the basis of the definition of the differential typology of the obsessive-compulsive symptom complex, a program of complex treatment of patients with the mentioned disorders with different nosological affiliations was scientifically substantiated and developed as a combined system of psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. It is the expansion of clinical ideas about the typology and registers of the obsessive-compulsive symptom complex, as well as the expediency of taking them into account in therapy, that made it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures for patients with this disorder. The comprehensive treatment program, which includes the first developed and implemented focal differentiated psychotherapy depending on the types of obsessive-compulsive symptom complex, is specific and available for the use of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic help, social adaptation of this contingent in foster families, which is very important from the point of view of social policy and the development of its theory.
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