Ksenofobia w Europie: formy dyskryminacji instytucjonalnej, politycznej i społecznej
Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytet Warszawski
Data publikacji: 07-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2003;5:69-86
Since Novem ber 2002, the Institute of Social Policy (WarsawU niversity) is taking part in the international research project: „The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of „Racial’ Discrimination” . The project is conducted within the Fifth UE Framework Programme and Poland is one of eight European countries involved (the article concerns only the research results in Poland). The research intends to identify and m ap out on a comparative basis key practices of racial / ethnic discrimination in eight European countries and to articulate policy implications and strategies to deal with such practices. Key research questions concern institutional discrimination (on labour market and in education) and political discourse about others (immigrants). The research process comprises nine workpackages - two of them have been already accom plished. The first w orkpackage „Discrim inatory L andscape” aim ed at overview and synthesis of the principal research findings, statistics, law regulations etc. relating to institutional discrim ination with respect to the labour market and education in each country. As statistics relating to immigration in Poland are very incomplete and there is no any comprehensive sociological research concerning institutional discrimination of immigrants, the focus of the workpackage was put on the results of different research projects concerning present immigration processes in Poland in general, law regulations concerning immigrants and foreigners, statistical estim ations and very pour statistical data. The second workpackage „Immigrant Focus Groups” aimed at investigation of the experiences, understandings, and strategies of immigrants through focus group discussions. There were eight focus group intervie s in Poland (6 in Warsaw , 1 in Zielona G ora and 1 in Lublin). Additionally 11 individual in-depth interviews were conducted. All interviews concerned mainly experiences of institutional discrim ination. In 2004 a book giving voice to immigrants across the axes of Europe - based on quotations from the focus group and individual interviews - will be published. Further research will focus on the investigation in labour market and educational institutions and critical discourse analysis. The research undertaken by the Institute of Social Policy fills in a large gap in knowledge of the situation of immigrants in Poland. Furthermore, the international character of the project makes a European com parative perspective possible. The project will be accom plished in Decem ber 2005.
Dyskurs jako struktura i proces (red. T.A. Van Dijk), Warszawa 2001.
Leksykon Polityki Społecznej (red. B. Rysz-Kowalczyk), Warszawa 2002.
K. Olechnicki, P. Załęcki, Słownik Socjologiczny, Toruń 2002.
Raport z Subprojektu nr I Programu Badawczego Xenophob: Krajobraz dyskryminacji - Polska. Opracowanie: Zespół Badawczy Programu Xenophob przy Instytucie Polityki Społecznej UW w składzie: E. Domaradzka, E. Firlit, G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Godlewska, U. Górecka, P. Hut, E. Jaroszewska, C. Korycki, Ł. Łotocki, E. Majuk, T. Mering, W. Modzelewski, A. Mokrzycka, B. Pieliński, M. Rawska, B. Samoraj, G. Spytek, R. Stawicki, R. Stefańska, J. Supińska, R. Szarfenberg, K. Szymańska, M. Tabin, D. Trawkowska , P. Zawadzki, C. Żołędowski, Warszawa marzec 2003.
Raport końcowy z Subprojektu nr II Programu Badawczego Xenophob: Zogniskowane wywiady grupowe - Polska. Opracowanie: J. Supińska, G. Firlit-Fesnak, Ł. Łotocki, Warszawa lipiec 2003.
M. Reisigl, R. Wodak, Discourse and discrimination. Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism, London 2001.
The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and the Politics o f „Racial" Discrimination, Research Project Xenophob, EU Fifth Framework Programme 2002-2005, Manuscript prepared by Tom R. Burns and Masoud Kamali in collaboration with Birgitta Busch, Gerard Delanty, Helen Flam, Jonathan Friedman, Carlo Ruzza, Jens Rydgren, Jolanta Supińska, and Nicos Trimikliniotis for Seminar at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, November 12, 2002, Convento, EUI.
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