Social Policy Issues (Problemy Polityki Społecznej) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the University of Warsaw. The journal is devoted to social policy, the welfare state and social problems. All articles published in the journal are open-access, and they are published free of charge. The journal is indexed in the Scopus, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, CEJSH, CEEOL and BazEkon databases. We publish empirical and theoretical articles, comparative analyses, including studies encompassing international, national, regional and local issues, and reviews. The mission of the journal is to deepen the understanding of social policy and social issues in Central and Eastern European countries. The journal has been, first bi-annually and then quarterly (in March, June, September, December) published since 1999.
MNiSW 2024

Current issue

3/2024 vol. 66
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