Publishing rules

The journal accepts original scientific articles and reviews of academic publications that have not been unpublished or submitted for publication elsewhere, in part or in whole, in other journals or books, in both printed or digital version. Scientific articles can include reports and reviews of empirical research data, monographs or review articles.

Scientific articles are published in English only. At the author(s)’ request, a translation into Polish, to be provided by the author, can be published on the journal’s website. The translation is considered ‘additional material’ and does not constitute a separate scientific text. Original scientific articles are reviewed in a double-blind review process. Articles accepted for review are sent to at least two referees. The author may withdraw an article but must do so no later than the date of notification of acceptance for print.

Authors sign a license agreement with the publisher, granting the publisher, without territorial limitations, free, non-exclusive license to use the work. The author has the right to make the work available to the public including online and over local area networks on condition that full bibliographic information and the following copyright note are provided:
© Copyright by Problemy Polityki Społecznej, Social Policy Issues, Warsaw, 20.... and the DOI number.
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