Co-production in Poland: from recognition to research? Some preliminary evidence
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Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Publication date: 2020-05-20
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Anna Ciepielewska-Kowalik   

Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, ul. Polna 18/20,00-625 Warszawa; author’s email address:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2018;40:51-67
The aim of this paper is to investigate reasons hindering the proper recognition of co-production in public policies and its implementation to current research in Poland. The study elaborates on three theses: existing a veneer form of co-production instead of co-production par excellence, limiting the recognition of co-production to the theoretical concept and its underestimation in empirical studies, and limiting co-production to cutting or freezing public expenditures on public services instead ofregarding it as an instrument involving citizens into public policies. The paper is divided into the sections including: the overview of the foreign findings on co-production, presenting the reasons of co-production’s poor recognition in Poland, analysing chances of co-production’s utilization in research and public policies, and — finally — showing some preliminary evidence from education policy in Poland. The study is based on theoretical analyses of the literaturę and statistical data, and preliminary empirical evidence from authors’ science project.
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