A critical look at migration and security within the framework of the Aberystwyth School: the case of Poland
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International Relations and Security Department, Social Science,
Selçuk University, Turkey
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2023-06-08
Final revision date: 2023-09-25
Acceptance date: 2023-09-29
Online publication date: 2024-01-05
Publication date: 2024-01-05
Corresponding author
Ozan Sabri Tuncer
International Relations and Security Department, Social Science, Samlaraltı Street, 20100, Denizli, Turkey
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2024;64(1):1-17
The problem of migration, which affects the international conjuncture and has been
mentioned frequently in the literature in recent years, has become a more effective
problem today. Migration has become a major security problem not only for the
receiving country, but also for the sending countries. While the states acted with the
classical sense of security with the 1648 Westphalia system, they were especially critical
approaches wanted to change this perception. Aberystwyth school, one of the critical
theories, also argues that this perception should be changed. According to this school,
instead of a rigid border and military security, the changing and deepening security
problems should also be addressed required. The immigration problem, which became
more prominent in the international conjuncture, especially after the Syrian civil war,
proves critical security theories. Recently, based on the example of Poland after the
Russia-Ukraine crisis, the security problems created by the immigrant problem in Europe
were tried to be explained. Thus, by referring to the Aberystwyth school principles on
Ukrainian immigrants, a diversified security perspective was referred.
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