The usefulness of the concept of resilience in the social Welfare reform in Poland — the case of the „Mateusz” association
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Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Publication date: 2020-05-20
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Krzysztof Piątek   

Instytut Socjologii UMK, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń; adres elektroniczny autora:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2018;41:91-106
Resilience it is: 1) flexibility, resilience, agility, an ability to regenerate forces; 2) a group of skills that allow you to handle a lot of stress; 3) a proper functioning despite the unfavorable conditions of life; 4) an individual’s ability to ‘bounce off the bottom’; 5) a confrontation with events, obtaining the necessary immunity resources. Based on the Waldemar Dabrowski’s example you can analyze resilience in the form of the following stages: 1) the occurrence of risk factors: non-specific (poor communication within the family concerning alcohol) and specific (sport and financial success); 2) life problems as alcoholism, which threatens the fundamental values, such as health and life; 3) suffering confronted with that risk and taking corrective action (therapy, barracks renovation, running the „Mateusz” centre etc.); 4) forming in oneself the necessary resistance resources in the form of detachment from negative experiences and awakening positive emotions within; 5) an ability to take a fresh look at your experience and preserve hope that fuels positive processes. „Mateusz” is a place, where — first of all — you can get first post-penitentiary aid and pass a positive adaptation (simple rules, individual approach, a dozen or so residents, residents activation). It is also a tool for coordinating activities between aid institutions.
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