The significance of residential environment in life of elderly people. Theoretical and empirical aspects
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Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych Politechnika Śląska
Publication date: 2020-05-28
Corresponding author
Marek Niezabitowski   

KSNS PŚ, ul. Roosevelta 26/28, 41-800 Zabrze; adres elektroniczny autora:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2014;24:81-101
The aim of this article is to show the different ways in which elderly people are bound to their habitat. The author sheds light both on theoretical and empirical aspects of this issue. The concepts which explain psychological mechanisms that bind elderly people to their residential environment have been presented in the theoretical part of the article. These concepts include the sense of place, the place attachment and the place dependence, which are the most important. To illustrate the mechanisms of the seniors’ attachment to their habitat in the empirical part of the text, the author presents the results of four research projects (including nationwide project PolSenior). In the presentation of the empirical material that has been collected, the author focuses on the qualitative analysis of the in-depth interviews which show the attitudes of senior residents of chosen settlements in Upper Silesia towards their residential environment. According to the research presented in the article, despite some inconveniences senior respondents tend to stay where they live. They feel attached to the place, they feel secure there or they are too old to adapt to new surroundings. In light of the research conducted, there is a need for organizational an d urban-architectural solutions that provide care within the habitat that is recognizable and acceptable by seniors.
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