Psycho-social dimension of the situation of old people in Poland — results of PolSenior study
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Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publication date: 2020-06-01
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2012;18:155-173
The present article contains the analysis of the level and conditionings to fulfil particular aspects of psycho-social situation of persons in the phase of the old age, i.e. aged 65 and over. The data is drawn from questionnaire interviews, performed during multidisciplinary PolSenior research project. The survey featured respondents forming a random national sample of population aged 55 to 59 and 65 and more. The psycho-social situation of the old people has been analysed mainly within the context of family relationships. It tackles the perception of the respondent’s own position within the family, the problem of seclusion, the feeling of social support, the frequency of social contacts with close persons and the feeling of being neglected by the family. The study undertook to analyse the strength of correlations between the level of satisfaction of particular psychosocial needs and the particular socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly, such as sex, age, place of residence, form of family life and the level of education. The data gathered in the course of PolSenior demonstrate that the psychosocial needs of the elderly are highly and very highly satisfied, therefore, their psychosocial situation can be described as good. The main factors to induce the risk of not satisfying the studied psychosocial needs are: being female, age over 80, living alone or living with other people, but no spouse, low level of education (yet, in some cases, also higher education) and living in big or mid-sized cities.
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